Policy Proposal Assignment

Policy Proposal Assignment



The purpose of this assignment is to develop a policy proposal brochure that can be used to advocate for health policy.  The brochure is a "leave behind" kind of document designed to draw attention to the action or policy change you are suggesting. This assignment is also designed to build the distance teamwork concept.  I encourage you to be creative in making your brochure.  The brochure should be 2 pages. Make sure it is attractive and easy to read and would provide the reader with information that would help them understand what you are proposing.
The policy proposal assignment is a group project.  You will be assigned to a group for this project.  In the Discussion Board area - you will find a Group Work Area.  This is where your group will work on the project.  All work and discussion on this project needs to take place here in this area.  I will be monitoring this group to watch for participation.  Each group member is expected to work on the project and participation will be noted for your individual grade.   You will be allowed to upload files there also.  
It is your responsibility to check this group work area and make sure you are staying up to date with what the group is doing and discussing.  (Canvas does not always notify or show that there are new postings - make sure you are checking this area.)


There are several components that are a part of this project.
First you will meet and discuss as a group in your group work area the topic you would like to use.  This will be submitted once for the entire group.


The group will need to do a timeline for completion of the project.  This timeline should include the parts of the project and who will be completing them and the due date for the individual parts.   This will allow the group to see who is responsible for each section and to help divide the work up equitably.  There should be due dates assigned to the parts of the project to help keep the group on track.  Someone will need to be responsible for putting all the parts together.  I do suggest that you have the individual parts due to the group early enough to give the person putting it together time to work on it then have the group review it before turning it in.


Each group will post their completed brochure in their group's assigned Policy Proposal Assignment board in the discussion board area.  For example - if you are in Group 2 - there will be an area set up with that name for the posting of your final brochure.  The brochure and reference list will also need to be submitted through the assignment tab  and only needs to be submitted once for each group (please include a list of names of group members).


Each group will have an assigned area to post their brochure for other groups to review.  Along with the brochure - each group will post 2 discussion questions related to their topic.  There will be 2 other groups assigned to review your brochure and answer the 2 discussion questions posted.  Someone from your group will be assigned to respond to their answers to the discussion questions.  
For example:  If you are in Group 2 - your group will post your brochure and your 2 discussion questions.  Groups 1 and 3 will be assigned to review your brochure and answer the discussion questions posted by Group 2.  Someone from Group 2 will then be responsible for  responding to the answers Groups 1 and 3 posted to answer the discussion questions.  Make sure you all are clear on this aspect of the project and someone is assigned to do these responses to the other groups.
Each of you will submit a peer evaluation to evaluate the members of the group.  This will be due at the end of the assignment - once the brochures have been posted and the questions have been responded to and answered.  I will use these evaluations to help determine individual participation grades along with observing the group work areas.  


General Instructions:


Each team of students will develop a two page brochure advocating for a policy initiative.


Select a recent or current health policy issue (within this past 2 years) from the state of Florida or at the federal level.


  • State the desired policy or action. Be sure to include the title of the bill, the number of the bill, any companion bills, and co-sponsor(s) of the bill. In other words, describe the main focus of the bill. Be concise. It is to be a summary of what is included in the bill.

  • State why it is needed. Identify pertinent issues affected by the legislation. Support your statements by citing current publications. Issues are topics discussed in this course - ethical, economics, finance, social, cultural, political. Include other initiatives that are being done. (Content is current, accurate, critically reviewed, and substantiated.

  • State what should be done (pass a law, change a policy, change a rule, etc.)

  • Outline the supporting rationale for the proposal

  • Clearly present data to support the need for the team's proposal

  • A set of key points which support the proposed policy or policy change. These should be presented with citations so the reader can verify the facts. A simple list of web sites is NOT appropriate

  • Sources of information on the topic. These can include publications, web sites, public advocacy groups and community meetings


 It is important that brochure have:


  • Clear titles

  • Attractive and professional visual appearance (Feel free to be creative, but remain professional.)

  • Your names and contact information (or this information for the group you are representing)


All teams are to obtain topic approval before proceeding with the project. Please note the due date for submitting the topic for approval.


All teams are to submit a written plan for completion outlining the division of labor and timeline.  Please note the due date for submitting the timeline and division of labor.  This is an important component of the project - it helps the group see what needs to be done, who is responsible for getting it done and when it is to be done by.  


All final brochures will be posted for the class along with 2 questions for discussion concerning the topic.  Each group will review the brochures of other groups and will answer the 2 discussion questions posted.  Each group will be responsible for responding to these responses from other groups. 


A separate APA style reference list is to be posted with the proposal.