Article Analysis
Article Analysis
In line with the University of Central Florida's "Information Fluency" initiative, this assignment assesses the student's ability to "Gather, Evaluate and Use" consumer information from the World Wide Web. In keeping with the objectives of this course, this assignment exposes the student to the economics, current situations, policy ramifications and the associated public discussions regarding health care in the United States. Some of what you will find is correct. You are also just as likely to find information that is biased, agenda driven and downright incorrect. It is up to the student to attempt to determine, based on what has been learned in this course, what is correct, what might be correct and what is not correct.
General Instructions
Each student will write an analysis of a web-based source of information on health care in the United States. Sources can range from full length article in the electronic versions of newspapers to freely accessible blog sites found on the internet. Whatever the source being critiqued, it must be aimed at the average consumer and NOT the professional RN or health care provider. (Do NOT use a nursing journal!) This should be an article that a friend or family member might see and call to ask you about. The article to be review should be aimed at the general public.
- The consumer press includes magazines (Time, Newsweek, Good Housekeeping - anything the lay public may read) and local or national newspapers. The full length web version of a magazine or newspaper article can be used. (Suggestion: save this right away since free access to such articles may stop a few days after they appear.)
- The article must be accessible to the instructor at the time of grading. Consider saving the web page and including it as an attachment in the assignment submission. Otherwise, you may lose points for an inactive URL submission.
- Use the format shown in the example paper (see below). Be sure you have covered each of the criteria listed. In the analysis include if the information is valid and if there is any bias. Include the relevance to nursing. Is there bias? Does the author stand to gain from writing this article?
Use APA format to cite the article at the beginning of the report. (You do not need to use citations in the rest of the paper Since it is clear it is drawn from the article.)
- Include the actual (working) URL! Be sure the article can be found! I do check each article if I can't find it you can lose points.
- Summary - Summarize the article in 1-2 paragraphs.This should tell the reader what the article was about and major points made
- Analysis - Analyze (3-5 paragraphs) the issue or event described in the article in relationship to the nursing profession, the health care system or the health of individuals, families or communities. Discuss the validity of the information presented - this an important part of this assignment. Is there any bias?
- Relevance - Is this article relevant to healthcare? Is it accurate? Does the article give good information? Is there bias present? Was the article written by someone who would stand to gain something from this article?
Writing Tips:
- The analysis should reflect your thoughts about the topic and demonstrate that you have considered the site of the publication, where you gathered the material, that you evaluated what was said, and that you have made a decision as to how this information can and should be used.
- Neither the analysis nor summary should contain ANY direct quotes.
Submit your report as an attachment in the assignment section of the course. This assignment will be checked by Remember plagiarism is a serious violation and is an act of academic dishonesty.
Analysis Paper Grading Criteria
Criteria | Points |
Accurate summary of the cited information. | 2 points |
Retrievable resource that pertains to health care included | 1 point |
Succinct and accurate analysis including relevance | 5 points |
Correct APA citation. | 1 point |
Correct use of spelling and grammar | 1 point |
Total | 10 points |