NUR4837-16Spring 0W91

NUR 4837 Spring 2016


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NUR 4837 Health Care Issues, Policy and Economics

Spring 2016


Welcome to the course!  I am glad to have you in Health Care Issues, Policy and Economics.  This semester will be a busy time of learning multiple aspects of nursing that are important for the professional nurse. 

To get started review the syllabus and assignment list.  Go to the Modules section and carefully review the information regarding the course and the different assignments. 

Don't be intimidated by the title of this course.  This course works to introduce you to different aspects of nursing that are different from the bedside care nurses are accustomed to. 

Take some time and review the course assignments and due dates.  Please note - the student introduction is due January 14, 2016. This assignment is vital to be completed this week to meet the requirements needed to document attendance in the course.  

This is an interesting course with so much information to share so let's get started!