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Systems Thinking Factors Rubric
Systems Thinking Factors Rubric
Criteria Ratings
Identifies 3 or more factors that impact COVID-19 healthcare.
Based on the video, the student should be able to name at least 3 but could be more factors that would impact activities for controlling the spread of COVID-19.
3 or more factors are clearly identified
3 or more factors are clearly identified and explained in terms of how the factors influence the problem
Less than 3 factors identified.
No factors provided
No factors provided reflecting a systems thinking approach to solving the problem.
Quality of writing
Submission is written using correct English spelling and sentence Structure.
Excellent and correct writing
Several writing errors
No answer provided.
Quality of answer
The student provides a well formed answer which highlights the problem, identifies the other relevant factors, and describes the effect of those factors.
Complete answer
Student understands the concept of Systems Thinking and a general application to the COVID-19 problem space. The response is well formed and articulated demonstrating that understanding.
Partial Answer
The student has a good idea about Systems Thinking and how it applies to COVID but may not completely / correctly express the factors and their relationship to the focus problem of COVID-19 spread.
Minimal answer
Student does not appear to completely understand the application of the Systems Thinking concept to the COVID-19 problem space and is unable to articulate the relationship in their response.
No answer provided