Academic Engagement Task - Attitude Toward Research Survey - PRE

  • Due Jan 14, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 5
  • Questions 34
  • Time Limit None



The “Attitude Towards Researchis your academic engagement task for this class.
You will receive 5pts for completing this 32-item survey. It should not take you longer than 10 minutes.
Please complete this by May 21st, 11:59pm to receive your points.
Here are the instructions:
1) Access the survey under ‘Quizzes’
2) Read each statement and select the appropriate response that best represents how YOU feel about the statement. Hit ‘next’ to go to the next question.
**Please note that you may notice that the numbers (1 to 7) sometimes flip on the scale but the direction of the scale (i.e., strongly disagree to strongly agree) never changes. The reason it is this way is because some of the questions are ‘negative’ and some are ‘positive’. **
3) You can only complete this survey once
4) Don’t forget to submit the survey at the end
5) E-mail me if you have any problems
Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes