About DIG2109 & Your Instructor

Welcome to DIG2109: Digital Imaging Fundamentals

If you're new to digital design software (i.e. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer, Gimp, etc.) you'll be surprised how intuitive these programs are. If you have plenty of experience with digital design, use this course to perfect your skills and challenge yourself creatively. 

To succeed in this class, you will need access to the following. 

  • Adobe photoshop or equivalent 
  • Camera (your phone's camera will do) 
  • A laptop or computer 


About me

My name is Sarah Morell and I'm currently working on my MA in digital media. I completed my undergraduate degree at Florida State University where I majored in art history and studio art with a focus in graphic design. When I'm free, I'm usually painting, baking or watching tv and a good part of my summer was spent catching up on nine years of Marvel movies.  


Now that you've learned a little about me, head over to the discussion called Introductions and let me and your classmates know a little about you!