Course Schedule - Fall

Fall Course Schedule



Week 1

Welcome to DIG2109 (Syllabus & Course Schedule)

Module 1: Intro to Digital Imaging

Art & Design Basics

Design Process

Quiz 1: Introduction Survey 

Assignment 1: Typography Challenge

Week 2

Project 1 (Introduction)

Module 1: Intro to Digital Imaging

Photoshop Basics

Photoshop Tools & Panels

Assignment 2:  Inspiration & Reference (Project 1)

Assignment 3: Sketches & Color Palettes (Project 1)

Week 3

Module 1: Intro to Digital Imaging

Image File Types

Metadata & Copyright

Branding & Identity

Project 1: Personal Branding

Quiz 2: Module 1 Quiz

Week 4

Module 2: Image Manipulation

Photoshopping Before Photoshop

Non-Destructive Editing

Restoring Old Photos [DEMO]

Assignment 4: Photo Restoration Challenge
Week 5

Module 2: Image Manipulation

Blend Modes

The Composite Image

Assignment 5: Inspiration & Reference (Project 2)

Assignment 6: Sketches & Concepts (Project 2)

Week 6

Module 2: Image Manipulation

The Composite Image [DEMO]

Artist Statement

Assignment 7: Artist Statement (Project 2)

Project 2: Composite Images


Week 7 Midterm Review Quiz 3: Module 2 Quiz
Week 8 MIDTERM Midterm Exam
Week 9

Module 3: Layouts, Vectors, & Pop Culture

Visual Organization

Layout Design

Assignment 8:  Layout Grid Challenge
Week 10

Module 3: Layouts, Vectors, & Pop Culture


Photoshop Vs Illustrator

Assignment 9: Inspiration & Reference (Project 3)

Assignment 10: Sketches & Concepts (Project 3)

Week 11

Module 3: Layouts, Vectors, & Pop Culture

Pop Culture

Pop Culture Vector Poster

Assignment 11: Artist Statement (Project 3)

Project 3: Vector Pop Culture Poster

Quiz 4: Module 3 Quiz

Week 12

Module 4: Narrative Imagery, Printing, & Presenting

The Narrative Image

Animated Storytelling with GIFs

Assignment 12: GIF Challenge

Week 13

Module 4: Narrative Imagery, Printing, & Presenting

Printing Basics

Presenting Your Work

Getting Started on the Comic Strip

Assignment 13: Inspiration & References (Project 4)

Assignment 14: Sketches & Concepts (Project 4)

Week 14 Thanksgiving Break (No Class)
Week 15 Final Review

Assignment 15: Artist Statement (Project 4)

Project 4: Comic Strip

Quiz 5: Module 4 Quiz

Week 16 FINAL

Final Exam (Online)

Final Critique (In-Class)

Quiz 6: End of Semester Survey