Course Syllabus
Department of Health Management & Informatics College of Community Innovation and Education University of Central Florida SYLLABUS |
HSC 3537: Medical Terminology |
Instructor: |
Judy Gizinski, MPH, RHIA |
Term: |
Spring 2021 |
Office: |
Downtown Campus Virtual for Spring Semester Amanda Walden, PhD, RHIA, CHDA - virtual office hours for Med Term Students: Tues & Thurs 10 AM - 12:30 PM |
Class Meeting Days: |
None |
Phone: |
Dr. Amanda Walden Office Phone 407-823-3613 |
Class Meeting Hours: |
None |
E-Mail: | |
Class Location: |
Web-based course |
Virtual Office Hours: |
Dr. Amanda Walden Tues 10 am - 1230 pm Thurs 10 am - 1230 pm |
Zoom Link for Office Hours | Links to an external site.
I. University Course Catalog Description
Medical Terminology: A study of the language of medicine and allied health specialties, including word
construction, definitions, and application of terms.
II. Course Overview
This course designed to improve your vocabulary skills, prepare you for advanced professional preparation courses by incorporating content taught in advanced medical and scientific courses, and provide you with the word part and compound term memorization, repetition, and the reinforcements needed to assure mastery of this unique language.
III. Course Prerequisites
IV. Course Credits
V. Required Texts and Materials
Medical Technology Systems: A Body Systems Approach (8th Edition, textbook only) - Barbara Gylys and Mary Ellen Wedding
ISBN: 978-0-8036-5867-7
*****Please review information on Module 0 about accessing the free e-book*****
Open Educational Resource
Open education involves creating and/or utilizing existing teaching and learning materials that are freely available to all users—without the restrictions of proprietary systems that limit the sharing of academic content and data. The materials in this course have been supplemented with Open Educational Resources, primarily from Building a Medical Terminology Foundation by Kimberlee Carter and Marie Rutherford under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
VI. Supplementary (Optional) Texts and Materials
Optional: Medical Dictionary (i.e. - Taber’s, Dorland’s, Stedman’s, etc.)
VII. Course Objectives
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Analyze words structurally and to learn the tools of word analysis such as roots, suffixes, prefixes, and combining forms
- Relate word elements with basic anatomy, physiology, and disease processes of the human body
- Assemble, interpret, spell, and pronounce medical terms
- Recognize, compose, and/or define medical abbreviations.
VIII. Course Competencies, Assessment and Learning Methods
The program has adopted a set of competencies for evaluating outcomes of the program. The following competencies are supported and developed in this course:
HSA Competencies and Evaluation
Domain |
Subdomain |
Course Objective |
Competency |
Level |
Evaluation |
Domain I. Data Content, Structure & Standards (Information Governance)/A |
1A Classification Systems |
1,2 |
Map terminologies, vocabularies, and classification systems |
4 |
Chapter activities and tests |
1B Health Record Content and Documentation |
1,2 |
Verify that documentation in the health record supports the diagnosis and reflects the patient’s progress, clinical findings, and discharge status |
4 |
Chapter activities and tests |
1C Data Governance |
1, 2, 4 |
Format data to satisfy integration needs |
4 |
Chapter activities and tests |
Teaching and Learning Methods-
Teaching Method |
Time Spent |
Explanation |
Readings |
50% |
Each week there will be readings assigned. Readings will generally be from the textbook. |
Graded Activities |
35% |
Additional material to review including up to 12 activities for each chapter |
Tests |
15% |
Student will show mastery of material through tests |
IX. Basis for Final Grade
Schedule Open and Close Dates:
Financial Aid Activity - Syllabus Quiz - due Friday, January 15, 2021 (5pm deadline due to financial aid)
Module 1 - 3 assignments (Chapters 1-4), Test #1 - deadline: Monday, February 1, 2021
Module 4 - 7 assignments (Chapters 5-8), Test #2 - Opens: Tuesday, February 2, 2021; Deadline: Monday, March 1, 2021
Module 8 - 11 assignments (Chapters 9-12), Test #3 - Opens: Tuesday March 2, 2021; Deadline: Monday, March 29, 2021
Module 12 - 14 assignments (Chapters 13-16) - Opens: Tuesday March 30, 2021; Deadline: Tuesday May 4, 2021
Test #4 - Opens: Monday, Wednesday April 28, 2021; Deadline: Tuesday May 4, 2021
Practice Non-graded Activities (Optional):
There are multiple optional activities available for each chapter. These activities can be used for further practice and study purposes. They are not required for the course and will have no impact on your grade. The activities include:
Flashcards - Flashcard deck including any relevant word roots, prefixes, and/or suffixes for that chapter.
Crossword - A crossword puzzle where you fill in the word/word part based on the definition.
Sort-It-Out - Drag and drop terms into their corresponding folders
Fill-In-The-Blank - Choose the correct term based on the definition provided to fill in the blank
Image Labeling - label the image with the associated words/word parts
Graded Activities:
There will be several graded activities for each chapter of the textbook. These games will be worth 50% of the student’s total score for the course. Each graded activity may be taken up to (2) times, the higher grade of the two attempts will be saved. The activity types are described below.
Matching: Match the word part to it's meaning
Assemble- A-Word: Choose word parts to assemble the full medical term as defined.
Jeopardy: Compete in a game of jeopardy by identifying the right word part or the right word that defines a statement
There will be four (4) Tests (the questions cover four chapters each). These tests contain true/false and multiple choice questions, and are timed. Each test may only be taken one (1) time.
Assessment |
Percentage |
Graded Activities |
50% |
Tests |
50% |
Total |
100% |
Grading Scale |
90%-100% |
A |
80%-89.9% |
B |
70%-79.9% |
C |
60%-69.9% |
D |
59% and Below |
F |
X. Financial Aid Requirement
All instructors/faculty are required to document students’ academic activity at the beginning of each course. In order to document that you began this course, please complete the following academic activity by the end of the first week of classes ( due 11:59pm Friday, January 15th) or as soon as possible after adding the course. Failure to do so may result in a delay in the disbursement of your financial aid. While this assignment is responsible for meeting your financial aid requirement, it is also Mandatory for your grade for this class as well.
Syllabus Quiz
XI. Grade Dissemination
Graded tests, quizzes, and assignments in this course will be available for review only after the assessment period has ended and at the discretion of the instructor. You can access your scores at any time using "myUCF Grades" in the portal. Please note that scores in Canvas are unofficial grades throughout the semester. It is important to note that a grade of 0 may not flow into the gradebook and be integrated into your grade. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of any 0 grades they receive for missing an assignment and how it will impact your grade. If you need help accessing myUCF Grades, see the online tutorial:
XII. Ethics Statement & Academic Conduct Policy
Academic Integrity
Students should familiarize themselves with UCF’s Rules of Conduct at <>. According to Section 1, “Academic Misconduct,” students are prohibited from engaging in
- Unauthorized assistance: Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any academic exercise unless specifically authorized by the instructor of record. The unauthorized possession of examination or course-related material also constitutes cheating.
- Communication to another through written, visual, electronic, or oral means: The presentation of material which has not been studied or learned, but rather was obtained through someone else’s efforts and used as part of an examination, course assignment, or project.
- Commercial Use of Academic Material: Selling of course material to another person, student, and/or uploading course material to a third-party vendor without authorization or without the express written permission of the university and the instructor. Course materials include but are not limited to class notes, Instructor’s PowerPoints, course syllabi, tests, quizzes, labs, instruction sheets, homework, study guides, handouts, etc.
- Falsifying or misrepresenting the student’s own academic work.
- Plagiarism: Using or appropriating another’s work without any indication of the source, thereby attempting to convey the impression that such work is the student’s own.
- Multiple Submissions: Submitting the same academic work for credit more than once without the express written permission of the instructor.
- Helping another violate academic behavior standards.
- Soliciting assistance with academic coursework and/or degree requirements.
Responses to Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism, or Cheating
Students should also familiarize themselves with the procedures for academic misconduct in UCF’s student handbook, The Golden Rule <>. UCF faculty members have a responsibility for students’ education and the value of a UCF degree, and so seek to prevent unethical behavior and respond to academic misconduct when necessary. Penalties for violating rules, policies, and instructions within this course can range from a zero on the exercise to an “F” letter grade in the course. In addition, an Academic Misconduct report could be filed with the Office of Student Conduct, which could lead to disciplinary warning, disciplinary probation, or deferred suspension or separation from the University through suspension, dismissal, or expulsion with the addition of a “Z” designation on one’s transcript.
Being found in violation of academic conduct standards could result in a student having to disclose such behavior on a graduate school application, being removed from a leadership position within a student organization, the recipient of scholarships, participation in University activities such as study abroad, internships, etc.
Let’s avoid all of this by demonstrating values of honesty, trust, and integrity. No grade is worth compromising your integrity and moving your moral compass. Stay true to doing the right thing: take the zero, not a shortcut.
Communication Outside the Webcourse
XIII. Course Policies: Assignment Information & Grades
Attendance Policy:
As this is a web-based course there is no expectation on attendance to a classroom. However, as we are not meeting physically, it is your responsibility to keep up with the work and deadlines for this course. Please make sure you are checking the course frequently for any changes or announcements from the instructor.
Course Accessibility Statement
Campus Safety Statement
Emergencies on campus are rare, but if one should arise during class, everyone needs to work together. Students should be aware of their surroundings and familiar with some basic safety and security concepts.
- In case of an emergency, dial 911 for assistance.
- Every UCF classroom contains an emergency procedure guide posted on a wall near the door. Students should make a note of the guide’s physical location and review the online version at <>.
- Students should know the evacuation routes from each of their classrooms and have a plan for finding safety in case of an emergency.
- If there is a medical emergency during class, students may need to access a first-aid kit or AED (Automated External Defibrillator). To learn where those are located, see <>.
- To stay informed about emergency situations, students can sign up to receive UCF text alerts by going to <> and logging in. Click on “Student Self Service” located on the left side of the screen in the toolbar, scroll down to the blue “Personal Information” heading on the Student Center screen, click on “UCF Alert”, fill out the information, including e-mail address, cell phone number, and cell phone provider, click “Apply” to save the changes, and then click “OK.”
- Students with special needs related to emergency situations should speak with their instructors outside of class.
- To learn about how to manage an active-shooter situation on campus or elsewhere, consider viewing this video (<You CAN Survive an Active Shooter
Links to an external site.
Campus Safety Statement for Students in Online-Only Courses
Though most emergency situations are primarily relevant to courses that meet in person, such incidents can also impact online students, either when they are on or near campus to participate in other courses or activities or when their course work is affected by off-campus emergencies. The following policies apply to courses in online modalities.
- To stay informed about emergency situations, students can sign up to receive UCF text alerts by going to <> and logging in. Click on “Student Self Service” located on the left side of the screen in the toolbar, scroll down to the blue “Personal Information” heading on the Student Center screen, click on “UCF Alert”, fill out the information, including e-mail address, cell phone number, and cell phone provider, click “Apply” to save the changes, and then click “OK.”
- Students with special needs related to emergency situations should speak with their instructors outside of class.
Deployed Active Duty Military Students
Make-Up Assignments for Authorized University Events or Co-curricular Activities
Students who represent the university in an authorized event or activity (for example, student-athletes) and who are unable to meet a course deadline due to a conflict with that event must provide the instructor with documentation in advance to arrange a make-up. No penalty will be applied. For more information, see the UCF policy at <>
Religious Observances
Students must notify their instructor in advance if they intend to miss class for a religious observance. For more information, see the UCF policy at
This will be the main function of communication between the instructor and the student outside of office hours. As this is a web-based course it is the student’s responsibility to reach out to the instructor with any questions they have and/or if they are struggling. I will make an effort to respond to your email in a timely manner, but please give me at least 48 hours to reply to messages during the week. I will not check the course mail over the weekend (Saturday or Sunday), so please do not wait until the last minute to send in questions. If I do not respond within 72 hours, please feel free to follow-up. The instructor will be monitoring the course and responding to email on the weekends when available. Before contacting the instructor with a question, try finding the answer on your own by searching in different places (re-read the module, check the course schedule, re-read the syllabus, send a message to your fellow classmates using the conversations tool, etc). Please use the “Inbox” function on the course website. If there are questions about Canvas the student must contact onlinesupport for assistance; questions for the MyLab must be directed to their technical support listed on the course homepage.
Extra Credit Policy:
There will be no Extra Credit available in this course. There will be no rounding in this course as you have the opportunity to take each graded game twice.
Grades of "Incomplete":
The current university policy concerning incomplete grades will be followed in this course. Incomplete grades are given only in situations where unexpected emergencies prevent a student from completing the course and the remaining work can be completed the next semester. The instructor is the final authority on whether you qualify for an incomplete. Incomplete work must be finished by the end of the subsequent semester or the “I” will automatically be recorded as an “F” on your transcript.
Late Work Policy:
There are no make-ups for assignments, quizzes, tests, or the final exam. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with due dates and times for all activities in this course. Asking for special treatment, i.e., extensions for assignments and assessments (without due reason), asking for bumping up grades is expressly prohibited.
Professionalism Policy:
Keep in mind professionalism in all communications for this course, including emails and discussion board posts. Do not use text-speak. Respect each other's ideas, feelings and experience. Be courteous and considerate. It is important to be honest and to express yourself freely, but being considerate of others is just as important and expected online, as it is in the classroom. Explore disagreements and support assertions with data and evidence.
This course will be utilizing Webcourses as the access point for the all of the material. All assignments and quizzes will be accessed through Webcourses. All information will be housed on the course page and information will be disseminated through announcements and emails. Students should be logging in a few times a week to check their announcements and inbox. You will be expected to have daily access to the internet and email, since I will be posting about assignment updates, additions and/or changes. If you do not own a computer, there are computers accessible to you in all UCF's computer labs, and most computer labs have computers connected to the internet. In addition, it is your responsibility to secure a working computer with reliable internet connectivity. Technical issues with computers are not to be used as excuses. Students should contact Online@ucf support at 407-823-3808 if they need assistance with WebCourses. Additionally, students are expected to familiarize themselves with the functionality of WebCourses. “Not knowing how to post/submit/etc.” are NOT valid excuses for missed assignments.
University-Wide Face Covering Policy for Common Spaces and Face-to-Face Classes
To protect members of our community, everyone is required to wear a facial covering inside all common spaces including classrooms ( Students who choose not to wear facial coverings will be asked to leave the classroom by the instructor. If they refuse to leave the classroom or put on a facial covering, they may be considered disruptive (please see the Golden Rule for student behavior expectations). Faculty have the right to cancel class if the safety and well-being of class members are in jeopardy. Students will be responsible for the material that would have been covered in class as provided by the instructor.
Notifications in Case of Changes to Course Modality
Depending on the course of the pandemic during the semester, the university may make changes to the way classes are offered. If that happens, please look for announcements or messages in Webcourses@UCF or Knights email about changes specific to this course.
COVID-19 and Illness Notification
Students who believe they may have a COVID-19 diagnosis should contact UCF Student Health Services (407-823-2509) so proper contact tracing procedures can take place.
Students should not come to campus if they are ill, are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, have tested positive for COVID, or if anyone living in their residence has tested positive or is sick with COVID-19 symptoms. CDC guidance for COVID-19 symptoms is located here: ( Links to an external site.)
Students should contact their instructor(s) as soon as possible if they miss class for any illness reason to discuss reasonable adjustments that might need to be made. When possible, students should contact their instructor(s) before missing class.
In Case of Faculty Illness
If the instructor falls ill during the semester, there may be changes to this course, including having a backup instructor take over the course. Please look for announcements or mail in Webcourses@UCF or Knights email for any alterations to this course.
Course Accessibility and Disability COVID-19 Supplemental Statement
Accommodations may need to be added or adjusted should this course shift from an on-campus to a remote format. Students with disabilities should speak with their instructor and should contact to discuss specific accommodations for this or other courses.
XIV. Important Dates to Remember
Drop/Swap Deadline: Friday, January 15, 2021 11:59 PM
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No Class) - January 18, 2021
Withdrawal Deadline: Friday, March 26, 2021
Spring Break: Sunday April 11 - Sunday, April 18, 2021
Grade Forgiveness Deadline: Monday April 26, 2021
Final Examination: Wednesday April 28 - Tuesday May 4, 2021
XV. Schedule
All the dates and assignments are tentative, and can be changed at the discretion of the professor. As the university is located in Central Florida, all due dates and times are in EST.
Hard Deadlines: Date Assigned at 11:59PM EST
Financial Aid Activity - Syllabus Quiz - due Friday, January 15, 2021 (5pm deadline due to financial aid)
Module 1 - 3 assignments (Chapters 1-4), Test #1 - due: Monday, February 1, 2021
Module 4 - 7 assignments (Chapters 5-8), Test #2 - due: Monday, March 1, 2021
Module 8 - 11 assignments (Chapters 9-12), Test #3 - due: Monday March 29, 2021
Module 12 - 14 assignments (Chapters 13-16) and Test #4 - due: Tuesday May 4, 2021
Date |
Topics |
Reading |
Module 1 1/11-1/18 |
Basic Elements of a Medical Word |
Chapter 1 |
Syllabus Quiz |
Module 2 1/19-1/25 |
Suffixes Prefixes |
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 2 Matching Chapter 2 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 2 Jeopardy Chapter 3 Matching Chapter 3 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 3 Jeopardy |
Module 3 1/26-2/1 |
Body Structure |
Chapter 4 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 4 Matching Chapter 4 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 4 Jeopardy Test #1 Chapter 1-4 Activities and Test # 1 Due Monday, 2/1 at 11:59PM |
Module 4 2/2-2/8 |
Integumentary System |
Chapter 5 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 5 Matching Chapter 5 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 5 Jeopardy |
Module 5 2/9-2/15 |
Digestive System |
Chapter 6 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 6 Matching Chapter 6 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 6 Jeopardy |
Module 6 2/16-2/22 |
Respiratory System |
Chapter 7 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 7 Matching Chapter 7 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 7 Jeopardy |
Module 7 2/23-3/1 |
Cardiovascular System |
Chapter 8 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 8 Matching Chapter 8 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 8 Jeopardy Test #2 Chapter 5-8 Activities & Test # 2 Due Monday, 3/1 at 11:59PM |
Module 8 3/2-3/8 |
Blood, Lymphatic, and Immune System |
Chapter 9 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 9 Matching Chapter 9 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 9 Jeopardy |
Module 9 3/9-3/15 |
Musculoskeletal System |
Chapter 10 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 10 Matching Chapter 10 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 10 Jeopardy |
Module 10 3/16-3/22 |
Urinary System |
Chapter 11 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 11 Matching Chapter 11 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 11 Jeopardy |
Module 11 3/23-3/29 |
Female Reproductive System |
Chapter 12 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 12 Matching Chapter 12 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 12 Jeopardy Test #3 Chapter 9-12 Activities & Test # 3 Due Monday, 3/29 at 11:59PM |
Module 12 3/30-4/5 |
Male Reproductive System |
Chapter 13 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 13 Matching Chapter 13 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 13 Jeopardy |
Module 13 4/6-4/10 |
Endocrine System |
Chapter 14 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 14 Matching Chapter 14 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 14 Jeopardy |
4/11-4/18 |
Spring Break |
Module 14 4/19-4/26 |
Nervous System |
Chapter 15 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 15 Matching Chapter 15 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 15 Jeopardy |
Module 15 4/28-5/4 |
Special Senses |
Chapter 16 Addt'l Reading in Module |
Chapter 16 Matching Chapter 16 Assemble- A-Word Chapter 16 Jeopardy Test #4* *Test #4 will not open until Wednesday April 28th at 12:01AM per university final exam guidelines Chapter 13-16 Activities & Test #4 are due Tuesdsay, May 4th at 11:59pm |
* Note: The Schedule is subject to revision