Week 8: Introductions/Objectives/To-Do

Read ThisIntroduction

In Week 8, we will  cover the second step of the seven step process entitled Access.  In this step you will learn about the process of identifying prospective customers which is known as prospecting.  Prospecting is an important part of the hospitality sales process, for without potential customers (prospects), the salesperson cannot bring new business or repeat business to their organization.

ExploreObjectives (After studying this module, you'll be able to...)

  • Identify prospects for the hospitality sales organization
  • Describe sources of hospitality prospects
  • Describe the process for qualifying prospects and organizations
  • Explain the components of a prospecting plan


  • Read Chapter 8
  • Review the Power Point (deck) and understand the concepts
  • View the videos
  • Complete Quiz 3 (Chapters 6, 7, & 8)
  • Complete the Prospecting Assignment
  • Continue work on the group RFP project