HFT3523-21Spring 0M62

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Welcome to Event Sales!

HFT3523-21Spring OM62

 Instructor:  Steve Brinkman, BME, MME


Welcome to Event Sales!  My name is Steve Brinkman, and I will be your instructor for this course. I look forward to guiding you through an interactive and real-world learning environment to help you meet the course objectives.  

Before we get started, make sure to purchase the new textbook by clicking on the title below:


"A Guide for the Hospitality Industry: Professional Sales and Selling for Meetings, Expositions, Events, Conventions and Groups" Links to an external site.

by Jeffrey Beck and George Fenich. 


This links to the publisher's purchase page.  This book is required for the course. You may also purchase the book at the Rosen College Book Store. 

We also have included a good amount of complimentary additional readings and videos in this course.  By combining these materials with the new textbook, we feel we will have given you a comprehensive education in Event Sales by the end of the course as well as the foundational tools to succeed in the event selling world.


Below is your "to-do" list from the Let's Get Started Module for the first couple of days:


Make sure to check announcements regularly for any changes or anything new.


The syllabus contains the course information, schedule, and course expectations for your success in this course.  Make sure to take the Syllabus Quiz by Friday, January 15, 2021.

Review Course Expectations

Review the course expectations so that you know what is required for this course.

Review Course Schedule/Calendar

Review the course schedule/calendar to ensure you keep up with weekly assignments, quizzes and exams.


Each module contains an introduction with objectives.  Please read each introduction to better understand what weekly activities you will be accomplishing.

DISC Assessment

This is a personality assessment based on your responses to the questions.  You might be surprised as to what you may learn about yourself!


I look forward to a rewarding and successful spring semester.


Intellectual content © Copyright 2021, Steve Brinkman & Michelle Holm
All other content © Copyright 2021, University of Central Florida
For technical support, contact Online@UCF SupportLinks to an external site.