Week 4: Introduction/Objectives/To-Do

Read ThisIntroduction

In this chapter, we will discuss how the sales professional engages in the pursuit for business, whether they are on the planner or supplier side.  Sales professionals make a personal commitment to develop and improve their knowledge and skills in the highly specialized MEEC industry.  These professionals work to keep themselves updated on the latest trends in the industry and to learn new techniques to address the needs and concerns of their clients and future clients or prospects.  They are serious about the work that they do, and as a result are continually working to improve themselves.  Hospitality sales professionals are competent and can be counted on to achieve results.  They are reliable and concentrate on finding solutions for the benefit of their clients.  Hospitality sales professionals are trustworthy and are honest in their dealings with clients, peers, and superiors.

ExploreObjectives (After studying this module, you'll be able to...)

  • Define the term hospitality sales professional.
  • Describe the four elements of the thirty-second commercial.
  • Describe what a personal selling philosophy is.
  • Explain what makes for a great hospitality sales professional.
  • Differentiate between business and communication etiquette.
  • Describe the key elements of professional attire.
  • Define ethics and dilemmas in the MEEC industry.
  • List the obstacles to managing time.


  • Read Chapter 4
  • Review the Power Point (deck) and understand the concepts
  • Review/practice the Telephone Script
  • View the videos
  • Practice the exercise
  • Assignment Due:  Ground Rules & Consequences
  • Discussion Due:  Ethical Dilemmas in the Event Sales Industry