Course Schedule/Calendar




Reading Due

Notes/What's Due

Week 1 (Class meeting 1/13)

In Class:  Introductions, Syllabus, Expectations, Introduce Group Project & Semester

Lecture - Deck 1: Overview of the MEEC Industry, How Events are Planned and the Sales Function (narrated)


Read Chapter 1

Syllabus Quiz (due on Friday, January 15th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Assignment:  DISC Assessment (due on Monday, January 18th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Week 2  (Class meeting 1/20)


Lecture - Deck 2:  The Foundation to Sales - Marketing (lecture in class)

Read Chapter 2

Assignment:  Professional Event Sales Profile - Defining Your Brand (due Monday, January 25th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Quiz 1 (online - due Tuesday, January 26th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Week 3 (Class meeting 1/27)

Lecture - Deck 3:  Overview of Professional Selling in the MEEC Industry (lecture in class)

Read Chapter 3

Sign up for a group ASAP!

Week 4  (Class meeting 2/3)

Lecture - Deck 4:  Professional Development in Event Sales (lecture in class)

Read Chapter 4

Assignment Due:  Ground Rules and Consequences (due Monday, February 8th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Group Discussion:  Ethical Dilemmas in the Event Sales Industry (due Monday, February 8th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Week 5  (Class meeting 2/10)

Lecture - Deck 5:  Communication Skills for Event Sales (lecture in class)

Read Chapter 5

Quiz 2 (online - due Tuesday, February 16th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Week 6 (Class meeting 2/17)

Lecture - Deck 6: Market Segments



Read Chapter 6

Assignment Due:  Client Interview - Group Assignment (due any day this week up to Thursday, February 18th by 6:00 p.m.  Interviews must be conducted on Zoom).

Week 7  (Class meeting 2/24)

Lecture - Deck 7:  Developing a Strategy for Selling (lecture in class)

Read Chapter 7

Begin work on your RFP and Presentation with your group.

Week 8  (Class meeting 3/3)

Lecture - Deck 8:  Prospecting - Gaining Access to the Prospect (lecture in class)

Read Chapter 8

Assignment:  Prospecting 101 - (due Monday, March 8th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Quiz 3 (online - due Tuesday, March 9th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Continue working on your RFP and Presentation with your group.

Week 9 (Class meeting 3/10)

Lecture - Deck 9:  Establishing the Sales Dialogue - Meeting the Client (lecture in class)

Read Chapter 9 

Continue working on your RFP and Presentation with your group.

Week 10  (Class meeting 3/17)

Lecture - Deck 10:  Presenting your Hospitality Products/Services (lecture in class)

Read Chapter 10

Quiz 4 (online due Tuesday, March 23rd no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Presentations & RFP are Due Next Week by Thursday, March 25th no later than 6:00 p.m.  Presentations will be conducted on Zoom.

Week 11  (Zoom presentations Week of 3/22)

  Presentations this week.


Presentations will be held on Zoom anytime during the week of Monday, March 22nd through Thursday, March 25th (no later than 6 p.m.).  Please schedule your Zoom session with me in advance of this week.  Your RFP and Power Point (deck) must be uploaded in Webcourses before you present on the day of your presentation.  Peer Evaluation is due on Thursday, March 25th no later than 11:59 p.m.  Remember to dress for success!

Week 12 (Class meeting 3/31)

Lecture - Deck 11:  Getting the Customer to Say Yes - Objections and Negotiations  (lecture in class)


Read Chapter 11

Assignment:  Sales Trip Planning (due on Friday, April 9th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Week 13  (Class meeting 4/7)

Lecture - Deck 12:  Asking for the Sale (or Getting Them to Buy From You) (lecture in class)

Read Chapter 12

Reminder:  Sales Trip Planning Assignment (due on Friday, April 9th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Quiz 5 (online due Monday, April 9th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Week 14 (Week of 4/12)

Spring Break - No Class!  Have Fun!



Week 15 (Class meeting 4/21)


Lecture - Deck 13:  Service After the Sale (lecture in class)


Read Chapter 13

Assignment:  Red Flags (due Monday, April 26th no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Finals Week  (Week of 4/26)

Final Exam (online due Friday, April 30th no later than 11:59 p.m.)


Note:  The course topics and schedule are subject to revision based on the progress of the course and at the discretion of the instructor.  Any changes will be discussed in Webcourses, and/or via email.