Our World is Getting Smarter and Faster - Reading Comprehension

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Instruction Practice

Read the following and choose the best answer.

Consumers, people who purchase cars, want cars to be more environmentally friendly. Gasoline pollutes the air, is expensive, and we are running out of it. Because of this, many companies are working on developing better electric cars. While some electric cars are already on the road, they are not common, and they cannot travel as far as a gasoline car. People are asking car companies to create a car that can go far without needing to be charged. People are also worried about where these cars are manufactured, or made. When a car is made, pollution from the factory fills the air. This is very troubling for some people. People want cars to be environmentally friendly, as well as the places where the cars are made. Because of this, car companies plan to produce cars in a more earth-friendly way.

What about the technology in cars today? Well, when you watched that TV show from 20 years ago, and the car talked, you were probably amazed. However, today this is a reality. Car companies are making cars that are very smart. You can speak to them. You can tell them to call someone, or play a certain song, and they are able to do that. They actually can do so much more than that. Cars now have technology to warn drivers of danger. If you are leaving your driving lane, or another car is coming in your lane, you get a warning. However, another very important change is happening and it is the biggest change since mobile cellphones. Cars today drive themselves. These smart cars still need a human in the driver’s seat to be safe, but one day they will not need a driver at all.  

Cars and the technology in cars is changing every day. Companies are more innovative, and safety is more important than ever. Maybe soon they will be flying!