Discussion Questions/OMR (One Minute Read)
You will be assigned to a Discussion Group for posting your One Minute Reads and Discussion Questions and responses.
OMR - One Minute Read
Post one minute read under the OMR discussion thread. This is a brief synopsis of something of interest to you in the assigned reading with your comments included. Pick something that was new information, something that you can relate to your practice, something that struck a chord with you. No reference is needed for this type of posting.
Discussion Questions (DQs)
Discussion questions – Students are to post responses to questions posed in the course modules under the appropriate discussion thread. (You will be assigned to a discussion group for your discussion postings.) Posts should contain at least 150 -200 words. Remember to add something new to the discussion. All posts should be supported by a citation in APA format. This can be your textbook, an article, a webite, etc. And you must cite your reference in proper APA format. Discussion question responses are required in modules 2 through 7 and are worth 1 point each for a total of 11 points. Modules 2-6 each have 2 discussion questions to be answered and for Module 7 you will answer one question and post your response to another student's posting.
In your discussion postings you can relate personal or work experiences to the topic at hand. Make connections between the topics at hand and the readings in the text in your discussion posting. Or you can discuss ways to apply the lessons from the class in your work and educational life
All discussion question postings require a reference - an article, a website, your textbook, etc. Even if you are giving your opinion - support it with information that backs you up. All references should be in APA format.
Students are to reply to classmates’ posts. Replies should contain at least 50 – 75 words and add substance to the discussion. Replies add additional information, explain why you agree or disagree, add examples to support the belief, and/or ask additional questions of classmates.Replies are to include an article citation, reference from your book, or web link that supports the point or provides additional information.Discussion question replies are required in modules 2 through 7 and are worth 1 point each for a total of 11 points. The replies to other students are due the same time as the discussion postings. Make sure you are adding to the discussion in your replies. Your replies should include more than "good job" or "I agree".
The response postings are due the same time as the discussion postings.
All discussion question postings - original postings and replies - require a reference - an article, a website, your textbook, etc. Even if you are giving your opinion - support it with information that backs you up. All references should be in APA format.