Module 7 Options for DQ
Module 7 Options for Discussion Question #1
Chapter 23 explores the role of the nurse in the policy process and political advocacy. As nurses we are charged with the responsibility to contribute to the development of health policies that promote a healthier society. The following discussion topics relate to this chapter. There are several discussion items from which to choose. There are multiple topics and articles below to choose from. Pick one to discuss.
What statewide office came up for election in your state this year? Do the newly elected individuals have stated positions on health care issues? Do you agree or disagree with these positions? What questions would you ask concerning their positions on health care if given the opportunity to talk with them?
Organization Priorities
Identify the current health policy priorities for your state nurses association. Identify the benefits that could come to you, your community, health care consumers in the district, and other members of the nursing profession if proposed priorities were supported. Develop a plan of action to educate your state senators and representatives about these priorities.
Grassroots Lobbying
Review the methods by which grassroots lobbying can and does occur. Which methods would you choose if your plan is to maintain and improve the quality of patient care as it relates to the use of mandatory overtime as a routine staffing method? Explain your answer.
New Bills
Use the Library of Congress™' Thomas' website ( to search for new bills in the 112th Congress related to nursing, patient safety, and health care quality. Also, monitor the websites of your state nurses association and the American Nurses Association for information on new bills that will require nursing attention. Identify the bill sponsors and bill numbers, and then explore the positions of your state senators and representatives on these bills; if they are neutral or are opposed to either bill, develop a plan of action for influencing their position.
Module 7 Options for Discussion Question
Module 7 Options for Discussion QuestionFor your original post, please comment on/critique one of the following.
- The Real Math of Healthcare Reform
- Big Win for Obama, but at What Cost?
- Where Were You When the Republic Died?
- Be Careful What You Wish For
- The Moral Case Against Health Care Reform
- Is Obamacare Working? (Links to an external site.)7
- Can Anyone Tell How Obamacare is doing? (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.) Are we really stuck with Obama Care?
- Why The GOP can't repeal Obama Care (Links to an external site.)
- Do Americans love Obama care? (Links to an external site.)
- Reviews of Obama Care 5 years later (Links to an external site.)