Guidelines for Assignments-2
Discussion Postings (30 points)
OMR (8 pts)
Post one minute read under the OMR discussion thread. This is a brief synopsis of something of interest to you in the assigned reading with your comments included. Please include the topic of your post in the subject line and read what others have posted to avoid duplicating content. Each post is worth 1 point for a total of 8 points.
DQs (11 pts)
Discussion question responses – Students are to post responses to questions posed in the course modules under the appropriate discussion thread. (Small group discussion is likely to be utilized depending on the size of the class.) Posts should contain at least 150 -200 words and add substance to the discussion. Remember to add something new to the discussion. Please do not duplicate material discussed in your classmates' posts. Posts should be supported by a citation in APA format. Discussion question responses are required in modules 2 through 7 and are worth 1 point each for a total of 11 points. Modules 2-6 each have 2 discussion questions to be answered and for Module 7 you will chose one of the questions to answer and post your response to.
- Relate personal or work experiences to the topic at hand
- Make connections between the topics at hand and the readings in the text
- Add ways to apply the lessons from the class in your work and educational life
Replies (11 pts)
Students are to reply to classmates’ posts. Replies should contain at least 50 – 75 words and add substance to the discussion. Replies add additional information, explain why you agree or disagree, add examples to support the belief, and/or ask additional questions of classmates. Replies are to include an article citation or web link that supports the point or provides additional information. Discussion question replies are required in modules 2 through 7 and are worth 1 point each for a total of 11 points
Legislator Letter Assignment
In order to effectively lobby for or against an issue of concern, the professional nurse must be able to be perceived as informed, professional and politically aware. This assignment is intended to help the student sharpen those skills and perhaps even make an actual change in her community.
General Instructions
Each student will choose an issue of concern to them or their community that is in an obvious way connected to health care. Possibilities include, but are not limited to staffing levels of RNs in various facilities, health education in schools, tobacco cessation campaign efforts, injury prevention, licensure or RNs or maintaining the oversight of nursing practice with the Board of Nursing rather than the Board of Medicine.
Students will draft a formal letter that is intended to be sent to their district legislator (please DO NOT choose a US Senator - letters addressed to a US Senator or State Governor will lose credit). The letter will be submitted via the "Assignments" section of the course by the due date listed in the course schedule. Please submit the letter as an attachment to preserve the formatting.
While it is not expected that these letters actually be mailed, 1 point of extra credit will be awarded to the student for the presentation of a response from the addressee providing he or she is the appropriate recipient. Responses must be scanned and sent to the instructor via course mail no later than the last day of class. (This does not include finals week.)
Students should indicate in the letter that they are writing as an RN, student of nursing or as an individual citizen but MUST NOT state that they are writing the letter as a UCF course assignment. If needed please review how to properly write a formal letter.
Legislator Letter Grading Criteria
Criteria | Points |
Appropriate recipient. Written to the appropriate legislator. |
2 points |
Reflects knowledge of topic and clearly relates the issue dispassionately. | 3 points |
Persuasive; Cites facts and figures as opposed to emotions and opinions. | 3 points |
Correct professional letter style, grammar and spelling | 1 point |
Recipient Response. Hard copy responses must be scanned and course mailed. | 1 Extra Credit Point |
Total | 9+1 points |
Policy Proposal Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to develop a policy proposal brochure that can be used to advocate for health policy. The brochure is a "leave behind" kinds of document designed to draw attention to the action or policy change you are suggesting. This assignment is also designed to build the distance teamwork concept. I encourage you to be creative in making your brochure.
General Instructions
Each team of students will develop a two page brochure advocating for a policy initiative.
Select a recent or current health policy issue (within this past 2 years) from the state of Florida or at the federal level.
State the desired policy or action. Be sure to include the title of the bill, the number of the bill, any companion bills, and co-sponsor(s) of the bill. In other words, describe the main focus of the bill. Be concise. It is to be a summary of what is included in the bill.
State why it is needed. Identify pertinent issues affected by the legislation. Support your statements by citing current publications. Issues are topics discussed in this course - ethical, economics, finance, social, cultural, political. Include other initiatives that are being done. (Content is current, accurate, critically reviewed, and substantiated.
State what should be done (pass a law, change a policy, change a rule, etc.)
Outline the supporting rationale for the proposal
Clearly present data to support the need for the team's proposal
A set of key points which support the proposed policy or policy change. These should be presented with citations so the reader can verify the facts. A simple list of web sites is NOT appropriate
Sources of information on the topic. These can include publications, web sites, public advocacy groups and community meetings
It is important that brochure have:
Clear titles
Attractive and professional visual appearance (Feel free to be creative, but remain professional.)
Your names and contact information (or this information for the group you are representing)
All teams are to obtain topic approval before proceeding with the project. Please note the due date for submitting the topic for approval.
All teams are to submit a written plan for completion outlining the division of labor and timeline. Please note the due date for submitting the timeline and division of labor. This is an important component of the project - it helps the group see what needs to be done, who is responsible for getting it done and when it is to be done by.
All final brochures will be posted for the class along with 2 questions for discussion concerning the topic
A separate APA style reference list is to be posted with the proposal.
Policy Proposal Grading Criteria
Points |
Content |
8 |
Overview of the problem |
1 |
Proposed policy, reason it is needed and desired action is clearly stated and supported with data. Significant points related to the policy topic are accurate and covered in brochure content. |
6 |
Two well-developed discussion questions are posted in the discussion forum along with the Policy Proposal presentation | 1 |
Style |
4 |
Attractive, clear and well written. |
2 |
Major points in the proposal brochure are organized and flow in a logical manner. Ideas are clearly and concisely stated. |
2 |
Format |
3 |
Bibliography reflects through literature review, including research and is written in correct APA format. |
2 |
Correct grammar and spelling are used. |
1 |
Directions |
5 |
Topic approval from faculty prior to development of the proposal brochure |
0.5 |
Plan for completion submitted to include division of labor and timeline |
0.5 |
Student contributes to team effort. * |
2 |
All inquiries and discussion posting are responded to by the team members. |
2 |
Total Points |
20 |
* Will be graded for individual, not the team.
In line with the University of Central Florida's "Information Fluency" initiative, this assignment assesses the student's ability to "Gather, Evaluate and Use" consumer information from the World Wide Web. In keeping with the objectives of this course, this assignment exposes the student to the economics, current situations, policy ramifications and the associated public discussions regarding health care in the United States. Some of what you will find is correct. You are also just as likely to find information that is biased, agenda driven and downright incorrect. It is up to the student to attempt to determine, based on what has been learned in this course, what is correct, what might be correct and what is not correct.
General Instructions
Each student will write an analysis of a web-based source of information on health care in the United States. Sources can range from full length article in the electronic versions of newspapers to freely accessible blog sites found on the internet. Whatever the source being critiqued, it must be aimed at the average consumer and NOT the professional RN or health care provider. This should be an article that a friend or family member might see and call to ask you about. The article to be review should be aimed at the general public.
- The consumer press includes magazines (Time, Newsweek, Good Housekeeping - anything the lay public may read) and local or national newspapers. The full length web version of a magazine or newspaper article can be used. (Suggestion: save this right away since free access to such articles may stop a few days after they appear.)
- The article must be accessible to the instructor at the time of grading. Consider saving the web page and including it as an attachment in the assignment submission. Otherwise, you may lose points for an inactive URL submission.
- Please insert your name as a Header.
- Use APA format to cite the article at the beginning of the report. (You do not need to use citations in the rest of the paper since it is clear it is drawn from the article.)
- Include the actual (working) URL!
- Summary - Summarize the article in 1-2 paragraphs.This should tell the reader what the article was about and major points made
- Analysis - Analyze (3-5 paragraphs) the issue or event described in the article in relationship to the nursing profession, the health care system or the health of individuals, families or communities. Discuss the validity of the information presented.
- Relevance - Depending on the topic of the article, address its relationship to current or pending legislation, the relationships between health care institutions, barriers or facilitators to access to care, ethical, cultural or diversity issues in health care. Is there bias present? Was the article written by someone who would stand to gain something from this article?
- NUR 4837 Article Analysis Paper.docx Download NUR 4837 Article Analysis Paper.docx An example.
Writing Tips:
- The analysis should reflect your thoughts about the topic and demonstrate that you have considered the site of the publication, where you gathered the material, that you evaluated what was said, and that you have made a decision as to how this information can and should be used.
- Neither the analysis nor summary should contain ANY direct quotes
Submit your report as an attachment in the assignment section of the course. Include the URL in the text of the posting or as an attached, saved web site. In addition, please submit this assignment to TURNITIN.COM (Course ID: 6430892 ; Password: ucfnurse). You will find instructions for using this tool in the assignments folder.
Analysis Paper Grading Criteria
Criteria | Points |
Accurate summary of the cited information. | 2 points |
Retrievable resource that pertains to health care included | 1 point |
Succinct and accurate analysis including relevance | 5 points |
Correct APA citation. | 1 point |
Correct use of spelling and grammar | 1 point |
Total | 10 points |
Turnitin Instructions
Instructions for Electronic Copy
Go to
Click log in
Follow instructions to establish your account if the first time on the site
After entering the information requested, choose “log in”
Choose Student, enter your email address, choose your password
Note: Your password must have number(s) and letter(s)
Choose join new class
Enter Course ID: 6430892
Enter class password: ucfnurse (case sensitive)
Click on assignment
You will see what you submitted. Be sure it is the correct file.
Hit next to submit the paper.
You will receive a digital receipt number. This is your proof of submission.
Keep the number. Print the page if desired.
Choose log out (almost at top of screen, on right)