IDS3933 - Cornerstone Experience in Interdisciplinary Studies
Said Jardaneh

Interdisciplinary Analysis
Article Database

Get the habit of analysis- analysis will in time enable synthesis to become your habit of mind. --
Frank Lloyd Wright

Listed below are articles for you to review as you begin looking for your own article for the Interdisciplinary Analysis. Take your time to look through them carefully. To view the article, click on the link to pull up the file.

Henderson, Patti, Mascaro, Nathan, and Rosen, David. Empirical Study on the Healing Nature of Mandalas. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. (2007) 1:3. 148-154.

Shaw, Susan J. The Logic of Identity and Resemblance in Culturally Appropriate Health Care. Health. (2010) 14:5. 523-544.

Lebo, Susan A. A Local Perspective of Hawaii's Whaling Economy: Whale Traditions and Government Regulation of the Kingdom's Native Seaman and Whale Fishery. Coriolis (2010) 1:1. 3-37.

Yoon, Hyejin and Kim, Jungsu. Tutorial on Drug Development for Central Nervous System. Interdisciplinary Bio-Central. (Oct. 11, 2010) 2:0009. October 18, 2010.

Varvatsoulias, George. Convergent Pathways between Evolutionary Psychology and Psychology of Religion. Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science. (2010) 7. July. 41-63.

Frederick, Shane et al. Opportunity Cost Neglect. Journal of Consumer Research: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly. (December 2009) 36:4. 553-561.

Gunn, John H. and King, M. Bruce. Trouble in Paradise: Power, Conflict, and Community in an Interdisciplinary Teaching Team. Urban Education. (2003) 38:2. 173-195.

Varisco, Andrea Edoardo. A Study on the Inter-Relation between Armed Conflict and Natural Resources and its Implications for Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. Journal of Peace, Conflict, and Development. (July 2009) 14. 38-58. (March 2010). October 18, 2010

Barrett, J. Interdisciplinary Work and Musical Integrity. Music Educators Journal. 87:5. 27-31. ERIC database.

Kaufman, Daria. Dance and Computer Science Merge in Interactive Website, "Synchronis Objects." April 19, 2010. Website.

Leonardo Academy Awarded $600,000 for Clean Diesel Projects. 3BLMedia. October 21, 2010. Website.

Roll, Richard. What Every CFO Should Know about Scientific Progress in Financial Economics: What is Known and What Remains to be Resolved. Financial Management. (1994) 23:2. 69-75