Module 7 - Objectives

Welcome to Module 7.  The focus of this module is to reinforce what we have learned about SSM and to begin developing skills in a new modeling method:  Systemigrams.

  1. The student will understand how to apply the seven step process of SSM.
  2. The student will be able to demonstrate the ability to develop a rich picture using a systemigram.

The following activities are included as part of Module 7 :

  1. Read Boardman & Sauser, Ch 6
  2. Read the supplemental reading on Systems Thinking and Systemigrams (Systems Thinking Workshop with accompanying video).
  3. Read the supplemental reading on applying SSM to Healthcare.
  4. View the Video on Building Systemigrams in Insightmaker.
  5. Begin work on the SSM/Systemigram Modeling exercise, due in 2 weeks.