Module 4 - Objectives

Welcome to Module 4.  The focus of this module is to establish understanding of the concept of system modeling and to provide a brief introduction to modeling systems using System Dynamics.

  1. The student will be able to read a system dynamics causal loop diagram that include:  reinforcing loops, balancing loops, delays.
  2. The student will be able to read a system dynamics stock-and-flow diagram.
  3. The student will demonstrate the use of a system modeling tool to create a system dynamics model that represents causal loops and stock-and-flows.

The following activities are included as part of Module 4:

  1. Read Senge Ch  5 and Boardman and Sauser Ch 4, sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2.
  2. Create a free account for Insight Maker at Links to an external site. and complete the system dynamic tutorial.
  3. Complete an assignment to review a causal loop diagram and develop an interpretation for what the modeler was attempting to convey.