Module 2 - Objectives

Objectives Welcome to Module 2.  The focus of this module is to introduce System Concepts as they relate to Systems Thinking.  This module has the following objectives:

  1. The student will understand core concepts that are embodied in systems thinking.
  2. The student will be able to list and describe the 7 organizational learning disabilities.
  3. The student will be able to list and describe the three lessons from the MIT Sloane School Beer Game:  1) Structure influences behavior, 2) Structure in human systems is subtle, and 3) Leverage often comes from new ways of thinking
  4. The student will be able to summarize and apply the concept of Harmony in Systems Thinking.


The following activities are included as part of Module 2:

  1. Read the Systems Thinking Foundational Concepts for Module 2.
  2. Read Boardman & Sauser, Chapter 2.
  3. Read Senge, Chapter 2 and 3.
  4. Watch the video and complete the short essay assignment on Systems Thinking in Heathcare.
  5. Complete the short essay assignment on Applying the Lessons of the Beer Game.
  6. Complete the short essay assignment on Variety, Parsimony, and Harmony.