Literature Review and Problem Narrative
- Due Mar 17, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Feb 26, 2024 at 12am - Mar 20, 2024 at 11:59pm
For the next stage of your Final Project, the team should perform a bit more background research. Each team member should select a key area related to the selected Problem space. For their selected problem area, team members are to review 2-3 sources of information to find out more about the background for those aspects of the problem space. Areas could differ by stakeholder / world views or could also represent specific concerns for the problem space.
Each team member shall write a statement / narrative around their area of the problem space based on what they learned in their review of the literature. The team shall then get together and write a joint statement / narrative that captures the core issues surrounding the problem space. Rich pictures developed either by hand or in Insight Maker should begin to become part of the project - at least one of the team member's areas should include a picture for this assignment - but more is better.
For submission:
- List of references consulted by the team (in APA format).
- Individual team member narratives for their area of evaluation.
- The team's joint statement / narrative capturing the core issues for the overall problem space.
- Initial rich pictures developed to represent the narratives developed.
Develop your submission in MS Word and submit the Word File for credit.
Don't forget the supplemental reading discussed here. This will provide a lot of insight into the framework for the overall assignment.