Systemigram Model Building Exercise
- Due Mar 7, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 50
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Feb 5, 2024 at 12am - Mar 11, 2024 at 11:59pm
Using the reading assignment from El-Taliawi and Hartley on using a SSM for COVID-19 follow the steps for SSM to include:
1) Describe the Problem (unstructured).
2) Develop a Root Definition for the COVID-19 problem space by identifying the three elements: what, how, why. A System to do X, by (means of) Y, in order to achieve Z.
X - What the system does
Y - How it does it
Z - Why is it being done
(see slide 33 in the Systems Thinking Workshop reading)
3) Identify the Perspectives (CATWOE)
4) Develop a basic Systemigram / Rich Picture to tell the story.
Submit your assignment as a Word document or PDF that addresses #1-4. You can use InsightMaker to create your systemigram or use the Systemitool which you can access at SERC here Links to an external site..
If you use InsightMaker, try presenting your results as a Story using the Storytelling capability Links to an external site..
You will have TWO WEEKS to complete this assignment (due on March 7th).