Part 2: Action Plan

  • Due Oct 20, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Points 25
  • Questions 8
  • Available Aug 21, 2023 at 8am - Oct 20, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


This assignment fulfills our Career Readiness objective found in the syllabus:
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Exercise sound reasoning to analyze issues, make decisions, and overcome problems. The student can obtain, interpret, and use knowledge, facts, and data in this process, and may demonstrate originality and inventiveness.


Part 2:  Action Plan

For this assignment you will create a very specific action plan to successfully achieve the personal health goal that you conducted research on in part 1. You must use the same general topic to formulate ONE specific SMART goal.

**Review "Developing Skills for Change:  Creating a Personalized Plan" pg. 19-22 in your text)

Time to get specific.  Develop one SMART goal.  (pg. 21-22 in your text) A SMART goal meets the following metrics:

S - specific

M - measurable

A -attainable

R - relevant

T- time based

Complete the SMART goal worksheet and include a brief summary of your action plan.  What will you do to create a habit change?   Discuss a new routine, what you will change specifically, or how you will achieve this goal.  The action plan is to be based off of sound information gathered in your brainstorming/info. gathering assignment.  For help with this action page review the "Behavior Change Contract" on pg. 22 in your textbook.

Requirements for this assignment:

  • select one dimension of wellness that BEST represents your goal
  • complete the prompts and summary questions

For Part 3 of this assignment you will implement this Action Plan for a minimum of 2 weeks.

Note you are encouraged to record your answers in a word document and then copy and paste them into the assignment. You will not be able to save and come back to this assignment multiple times.

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