Instructor Introduction

Now, I will introduce myself.         Bitmoji 18


My name is Martha Garcia-Stout and I will be your instructor for this course. Here is a little bit about me:

I graduated college in the previous century with a Doctorate of Pharmacy degree and a Juris Doctorate in Law degree. I am a registered pharmacist and am currently licensed in the state of Florida. I have practiced as an inpatient hospital pharmacist for what seems like forever or at least 20 years.  I have trained many pharmacy technicians and pharmacy student interns to practice in the hospital setting. I have also been an academic advisor for undergraduate students, particularly those students interested in going into the health professions.

It is truly my pleasure to facilitate your learning in this unique online classroom setting. I hope you will find the topics covered interesting and relevant to your future goals.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at for any and all questions you may have.


Next, let's move on and review the Course Introduction on the next page.

