Case Study: Aunt M visits the Clinic
- Due Apr 1, 2022 by 11:59pm
- Points 17
- Submitting an external tool
- Available until Apr 1, 2022 at 11:59pm
In this game, you have been assigned the following patient below. In order to complete the patient case, you may be asked to perform functions which may include questioning, evaluating, diagnosing, treating, calculating, dosing, and counseling this patient. The goal of the game is to successfully help the patient and either stabilize them or cure their underlying illness.
When playing the game, all of the information will be taken directly from your textbook, there is no need to search the internet for answers. Should you make a mistake along the way, your patient will not be happy with you and the game will end with your final score. You may play this game multiple times in order to improve your score. Your grade for this assignment will be the highest score you achieve in this game.
DO NOT use the Copy/Paste function to enter your answers, as the game cannot read it. You must type in your answers as they appear in your textbook (watch for misspellings too), otherwise you will receive an "Oops..." message.