Module 10 Map Overview Chap 26 Respiratory Systems Drugs and Antihistamines


Chapter 26

  • Describe the uses of and precautions necessary with oxygen therapy
  • List the medications used as smoking cessation aids and precautions for their use
  • Classify a list of respiratory system drugs according to their actions
  • List the uses, side effects, and precautions or contraindications for bronco dilators and antitussives
  • Explain appropriate patient education for those receiving respiratory system drugs
  • Describe the actions and uses of antihistamines and decongestants 
  • Describe the limitations for use and safety concerns associated with combination cough-cold-allergy products


It’s flu season, but it seems like something is always going around (cough, cough, Coronavirus, cough). Whether it’s the flu, the common cold, or something else like asthma or allergies, symptoms involving the nose, throat, and lungs can make you feel really miserable. There are various prescription and over the counter medications that can help patients feel better and possibly recuperate faster. In this chapter, you will learn about the different types of medications that can shorten and alleviate the respiratory symptoms patients suffer from. Furthermore, you will also learn about prophylactic medications used to manage certain chronic conditions and avoid acute exacerbation.


Read ThisRead Chapter 26 Respiratory System Drugs and Antihistamines