Syllabus Spring 2021
HSC 3147
Introduction to Pharmacology
Health Science Department
College of Health Professions and Sciences
Credit Hours: 3
Instructor Information
- Instructor: Martha Garcia-Stout PharmD. JD
- Office Location: HS2 #214
- Office Hours: Virtual office hours are scheduled on Mondays and Wednesdays between 10:30-1pm via Zoom. To ensure students have a dedicated appointment time, please email me through Webcourses to schedule your time slot beforehand.
- Digital Contact: I prefer to be contacted through Webcourses.
- Due to UCF policy, I can only respond to emails sent from your knights mail or Canvas, NOT other private email accounts.
- Emails received after hours or over the weekend will be answered on the next business day.
- Emails should be addressed properly and maintain a professional tone.
Course Information
- Term: Fall 2020
- Course Number & Section: HSC 3147 0W61 and 0W62
- Course Name: Introduction to Pharmacology
- Credit Hours: 3
- Class Meeting Days: Online
- Class Meeting Time: Online
- Class Location: Online
- Course Modality: W
Enrollment Requirements
Course Prerequisites: BSC 2010C with a grade of C or better and sophomore year standing.
Course Description
This course will involve the study of the pharmacology, terminology, and use of drugs in the treatment of human disorders (3 credits).
This is a web-based ("W") course which means that all of the content, assessments, and communication will be delivered using Webcourses. The time commitment for this course will require more than twice the usual amount of time that you might allocate in a conventional face-to-face course. You will be responsible for assigned readings, modules, practice case studies, quizzes, and examinations. - If you are new to online classes at UCF, it may be helpful to take UCF's Online Course Orientation. The orientation is a tour of a typical Webcourse and will provide helpful tips. Follow the orientation link on the Course Homepage. We also recommend you visit the Learning Online Web site ( for more information about what to expect and how to get started with Webcourses.
Please feel free to email me with any questions. The best way to contact me is through the Webcourses email system. - As for all WWW classes, time management and communication are critical to your successfully completing this class with a good grade. The course plan includes weekly modules that have been developed to engage each student in the relevant material and assignments which help reinforce the concepts involved. As you enter each weekly module, simply follow the assigned tasks and complete the assessments on or before the due dates. These tasks may include:
- Chapter readings from the course book and/or the internet
- Viewing the supplementary material
- Completing Assignments
- Completing Discussions
- Completing MindTap Putting It All Together assignments
- Completing MindTap Learning Labs assignments
- Completing Final Chapter Tests
- Each week, a new module will be posted which outlines the readings, assignments, discussions, and chapter tests assigned for that week. This class moves at a rapid pace and covers a lot of material. Therefore, pace yourself and keep up with the readings so that you can complete the modules in a timely fashion. You do not want to fall behind in this class. Otherwise, it may be impossible for you to catch up and pass the class.
- The Webcourses server may experience downtimes or become inaccessible for routine maintenance. Therefore, you should NOT work at the last minute in case there are computer failures or technical difficulties with the system.
- It is your responsibility to communicate any problems or changes in your status with me at least 48 hours prior to the module deadline, as prior notification to the professor will be necessary for any consideration. Supportive documentation will be required to be submitted no later than 3 business days after missed due date. Communications that fail to follow this procedure will NOT be considered.
- All assigned work from each weekly module, with the exception of Discussions, is due before Friday 6pm EASTERN TIME.
- Assigned Discussions Posts are due before Wednesday 6pm EASTERN TIME. Discussion Comments are due before Friday 6pm EASTERN TIME.
- The submission widow closes at 6pm ET sharp. If you are currently in a different time zone or travel to a different time zone, you are responsible for adjusting your time to meet the Eastern Time zone equivalent. (Example: if traveling to California, the time zone equivalent of the due date is 3pm Pacific Standard Time). No additional time will be given due to time zone differences.
- You have one week to complete each module. I HIGHLY recommend you attempt these as early in the week as possible.
- The student should have regular access to the internet and plan on logging into the course at least twice each week.
- If you wait to do the homework until the last minute and as a result, are unable to submit it on time due to computer/internet/canvas issues, this will not be accepted as a valid excuse.
- It is YOUR responsibility to manage your time and have access to a stable computer with a reliable internet connection.
- Extensions, makeups, retakes, or partial credit will NOT be granted for late or missed work.
Please Note: Answers to assignments and chapter tests will NOT be shown after you submit them. If you would like to discuss your assignment or chapter tests results, please email me to schedule an appointment to review the results and discuss the answers. |
COVID-19 Testing: A procedure has been established by the College of Health Professions and Sciences describing what to do if you seek testing for COVID-19 and have a positive result. Please review “The Procedure for Reporting Students Who Test Positive for COVID-19”, which can be found in the Welcome Module.
Steps to Follow for Students Testing Positive for COVID-19 and for Students Exposed to Others Who Tested Positive for COVID-19 (full procedure posted in Webcourses)
1. Students must notify their course instructor(s) if they test positive for COVID-19 and should isolate themselves from others. All positive cases are referred to the Orange County Health Department (OCHD) for contact tracing.
2. Students who test positive should inform individuals with whom they have been in close contact.
3. Students who become aware that they have been in close contact with an individual who tested positive for COVID-19 should quarantine.
In Case of Student Illness:
Students should contact their instructor as soon as possible if they miss class due to any illness to discuss reasonable adjustments that might need to be made. When possible, students should contact their instructor before missing class.
In Case of Faculty Illness:
If the instructor falls ill during the semester, there may be changes to this course, including having a backup instructor take over the course. Please look for announcements or mail in Webcourses@UCF or Knights email for any alterations to this course.
Course Materials and Resources
Required Materials/Resources:
- MindTap for Essentials of Pharmacology For Health Professions, 8th ed.
- Bruce Colbert and Ruth Woodrow
- ISBN-10: 1337395927
- ISBN-13: 9781337395922
Desktop or laptop computer with stable internet access and adequate bandwidth to run MindTap media components
- Speakers or a headset to hear MindTap media components
- Firefox, Safari, or Chrome will be required in order to run the MindTap media components
- Pop-Up blockers must be Disabled
- MindTap is NOT fully compatible with Internet Explorer or Edge
- Some MindTap media components may not be fully compatible with iPad tablets
Optional Materials/Resources:
- First Day is available for the textbook. Students who wish to participate in the First Day program must opt in.
- MindTap 2 Terms (12 Months) + Loose-leaf
- ISBN-10: 0357008510
- ISBN-13: 9780357008515
- MindTap 2 Terms (12 Months) + Bound Book
- ISBN-10: 1337810762
- ISBN-13: 9781337810760
Please be aware that we will not cover every chapter in the textbook nor will the topics be presented in the order that they appear in the textbook.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Describe the general pharmacological principles.
- Describe the methods of administering medications and the mechanisms of drug actions.
- Describe and perform dosage calculations for the administration of therapeutic drugs.
- Describe the concepts necessary to safely administer pharmacologic agents, including recommended dosages, effects, and adverse side-effects.
- Describe the therapeutic use of drugs involved with multi-system and specific system disorders.
Course Activities
- Please read the instructions carefully for each assignment or case study. Some assignments are limited to 1 attempt only, while others may offer 2 or more attempts, depending on the type of assignment. Case studies offer the student unlimited attempts while the module is open to learn the topic and improve their score.
- Assignments = check instructions for number of available attempts
- Case Study = unlimited attempts, keeps highest score
- All assignments and case studies are graded.
- Once the module closes for the week, the assignment or case study for that week also closes.
- Late assignments and case studies will not be accepted.
- Missed assignments and case studies will receive a score of zero.
- Please read the instructions carefully for each assignment or case study. Some assignments are limited to 1 attempt only, while others may offer 2 or more attempts, depending on the type of assignment. Case studies offer the student unlimited attempts while the module is open to learn the topic and improve their score.
- You will be required to participate in responding and commenting to group discussion questions posed to your assigned discussion group. Individual student responses to the original discussion questions (original post) are worth 70% and comments to your group member’s responses are worth the remaining 30% of the discussion grade.
- The original post for the group discussion will be based on the student’s first posted answers to the discussion questions (any subsequent posts will not be considered).
- Students must comment on at least 1 other of the group’s responses, this comment is worth 30% of the grade.
- Group Discussions Post (70%) = 1 attempt only for original post, (subsequent posts will not be considered)
- Group Discussion Comment (30%) = must substantively comment on at least 1 other group post
- All group discussions will be graded. Grade for posts and comments will be based on the rubric provided.
- Students should be careful to not submit a blank or incomplete post to the discussion questions, as this will be the submission that is graded. Students will NOT be able to EDIT their posts. Subsequent posts attempting to answer the discussion questions will not be considered.
- Do not use group comments or postings such as "I agree," "I don't know either," "Who cares," “I said the same,” or "ditto." They do not add to the discussion, take up space on the Discussions, and will not be counted for group comment credit. You will need to make substantive group comments on at least one posting to receive full credit.
- Avoid posting large blocks of text. Answer each discussion question individually and use a space between paragraphs. Do not combine answers to multiple questions into one answer or paragraph. This can create confusion as to which question you are addressing.
- Once the module closes for the week, the group discussion for that week also closes.
Late Discussions:
- Discussions answers (part 1) are due Wednesday evening 6pm ET. Discussion comments (part 2) are due Friday 6pm ET.
- A 10% grade deduction will be applied to Discussion posts for each late day after Wednesday 6pm ET. This late period, starting Wednesday 6:01pm ET, will close on Friday 6pm ET.
- No Discussion Posts or Comments will be accepted after Friday 6pm ET.
- Missed discussions will receive a grade of zero.
- Please read the instructions carefully.
- MindTap Putting It All Together/Learning Lab = 2 attempts only, keeps highest score
- All MindTap Putting It All Together/Learning Lab assignments are graded.
- Once the module closes for the week, the MindTap assignments for that week also close.
- Late MindTap assignments will not be accepted.
- Missed MindTap assignments will receive a score of zero.
- Please read the instructions carefully.
- Please read the instructions carefully for each Final Chapter Test.
- Final Chapter Test = 1 attempt only.
- All Final Chapter Tests are graded.
- Once the module closes for the week, the chapter tests for that week also close.
- Late Final Chapter Tests will not be accepted.
- Missed Final Chapter Tests will receive a score of zero.
- Please read the instructions carefully for each Final Chapter Test.
- The following MindTap practice assignments and games will NOT count towards your course grade.
- Beat The Clock
- Memory
- Crossword Puzzles
- Math Casino
- The MindTap practice games are there for the students to practice mastery of the material before attempting to do the other graded assignments and chapter tests. Completing each of them will help you assess your knowledge on the information in the chapter.
- The following MindTap practice assignments and games will NOT count towards your course grade.
DID I GET IT (extra credit):
- The Did I Get It assignments will count as extra credit towards your cumulative grade, as completing each of them will help you assess your knowledge on the information in the chapter.
- Did I Get It (extra credit) = multiple attempts
- Please be aware the Did I Get It assignment is extra credit and is not required.
- Extra credit will be available in the module only while the module is open. Once the module closes, the extra credit for that module also closes.
- Extra credit points are calculated based on the percentage completed out of the possible maximum score of 2 points.
- Extra credit points will be added to your cumulative grade at the end of the term. No other extra credit will be offered.
- The Did I Get It assignments will count as extra credit towards your cumulative grade, as completing each of them will help you assess your knowledge on the information in the chapter.
Activity Submissions
Because this course is a web based class, all MindTap homework, assignments, discussions, and the chapter tests will be submitted via Webcourses.
As of fall 2014, all faculty members are required to document students' academic activity at the beginning of each course. In order to document that you began this course, please complete the ATTENDANCE/SYLLABUS QUIZ by the end of the first week of class, or as soon as possible after adding the course, but no later than 10 days after course start date. Failure to do so will result in a delay of the disbursement of your financial aid.
Make-up Exams and Assignments
No make-up MindTap homework, assignments, discussions, or chapter tests will be given. It is your responsibility to communicate any problems or changes in your status with me at least 48 hours prior to the module deadline, as prior notification to the professor will be necessary for any consideration. Supportive documentation will be required to be submitted no later than 3 business days after missed due date. Communications that fail to follow this procedure will NOT be considered. The professor will make the final decision as to whether a make-up or extension is justified.
Requests for extensions MUST be accompanied by supporting documentation.
The following situations will be considered, however documentation will be REQUIRED for assignment extensions including:
- illness/hospitalization (physician letter)
- serious family emergencies (official documentation provided by physician, law enforcement officer, etc.)
- special curricular requirements (UCF Athlete Notification)
- jury duty (official Jury Summons document)
- military obligations (Orders to Report to Active Duty)
Failure to provide supporting documentation within a reasonable timeframe will result in a zero grade for the missed assignment.
The following situations WILL NOT be considered for purposes of extensions for late or missing assignments:
- Work obligations or work conflicts of schedule
- Traveling out of town or scheduled trips, vacations, etc.
- Computer failures or internet service interruptions
It is YOUR responsibility to make sure that you use a computer and internet connection that is stable and reliable for submission of online work, as this is not a valid excuse for late or missing work. All assignments are due on the deadline date without exception, unless previously approved by the professor.
- This is an online class, so you must have access to a reliable computer and stable internet access.
Technical issues with Webcourses or MindTap should be reported to the instructor immediately or no later than 24 hours after the homework due date. Students who fail to report the issue within this timeframe will NOT be granted an extension on the homework. |
Assessment and Grading Procedures
Assignment |
Percentage of Grade |
Putting It All Together |
25% |
Learning Lab |
25% |
Assignments and Discussions |
25% |
Chapter Tests/Post Assessment |
25% |
Did I Get It (extra credit) |
2% |
Total |
102% |
Letter Grade |
Points |
A |
90-100 |
B |
80-89.99 |
C |
70-79.99 |
D |
60-69.99 |
F |
Less than 60 |
- No plus or minus grades will be given in this class.
- Grades will NOT be rounded or curved.
Consult the latest Undergraduate or Graduate catalog for regulations and procedures regarding grading such as Incomplete grades, grade changes, and grade forgiveness.
Course Schedule
Click here for Course Schedule
I reserve the right to modify the schedule, the evaluation procedure, and the grading basis, if, in my professional judgement, I feel that such a modification is in the best interest of fulfilling the course objectives and assuring the academic integrity of the course and the University of Central Florida.
University Services and Resources
Academic Services and Resources
A list of available academic support and learning services is available at UCF Student Services. Click on "Academic Support and Learning Services" on the right-hand side to filter.
Non-Academic Services and Resources
A list of non-academic support and services is also available at UCF Student Services. Click on "Support" on the right-hand side to filter.
If you are a UCF Online student, please consult the UCF Online Student Guidelines for more information about your access to non-academic services.
Policy Statements
Academic Integrity
Students should familiarize themselves with UCF’s Rules of Conduct. According to Section 1, "Academic Misconduct," students are prohibited from engaging in:
- Unauthorized assistance: Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any academic exercise unless specifically authorized by the instructor of record. The unauthorized possession of examination or course-related material also constitutes cheating.
- Communication to another through written, visual, electronic, or oral means: The presentation of material which has not been studied or learned, but rather was obtained through someone else’s efforts and used as part of an examination, course assignment, or project.
- Commercial Use of Academic Material: Selling of course material to another person, student, and/or uploading course material to a third-party vendor without authorization or without the express written permission of the university and the instructor. Course materials include but are not limited to class notes, Instructor’s PowerPoints, course syllabi, tests, quizzes, labs, instruction sheets, homework, study guides, handouts, etc.
- Falsifying or misrepresenting the student’s own academic work.
- Plagiarism: Using or appropriating another’s work without any indication of the source, thereby attempting to convey the impression that such work is the student’s own.
- Multiple Submissions: Submitting the same academic work for credit more than once without the express written permission of the instructor.
- Helping another violate academic behavior standards.
For more information about Academic Integrity, students may consult The Center for Academic Integrity Links to an external site..
For more information about plagiarism and misuse of sources, see “Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best Practices Links to an external site.”.
Responses to Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism, or Cheating
Students should also familiarize themselves with the procedures for academic misconduct in UCF’s student handbook, The Golden Rule. UCF faculty members have a responsibility for students’ education and the value of a UCF degree, and so seek to prevent unethical behavior and when necessary respond to academic misconduct. Penalties can include a failing grade in an assignment or in the course, suspension or expulsion from the university, and/or a "Z Designation" on a student’s official transcript indicating academic dishonesty, where the final grade for this course will be preceded by the letter Z. For more information about the Z Designation, see
Course Accessibility Statement
The University of Central Florida is committed to providing access and inclusion for all persons with disabilities. Students with disabilities who need disability-related access in this course should contact the professor as soon as possible. Students should also connect with Student Accessibility Services (Ferrell Commons 185,, phone (407) 823-2371). Through Student Accessibility Services, a Course Accessibility Letter may be created and sent to professors, which informs faculty of potential access and accommodations that might be reasonable.Determining reasonable access and accommodations requires consideration of the course design, course learning objectives and the individual academic and course barriers experienced by the student.
Campus Safety Statement
Fully online course sections (W, V)
Though most emergency situations are primarily relevant to courses that meet in person, such incidents can also impact online students, either when they are on or near campus to participate in other courses or activities or when their course work is affected by off-campus emergencies. The following policies apply to courses in online modalities.
- To stay informed about emergency situations, students can sign up to receive UCF text alerts by going to <> and logging in. Click on “Student Self Service” located on the left side of the screen in the toolbar, scroll down to the blue “Personal Information” heading on the Student Center screen, click on “UCF Alert”, fill out the information, including e-mail address, cell phone number, and cell phone provider, click “Apply” to save the changes, and then click “OK.”
- Students with special needs related to emergency situations should speak with their instructors outside of class.
Deployed Active Duty Military Students
Students who are deployed active duty military and/or National Guard personnel and require accommodation should contact their instructors as soon as possible after the semester begins and/or after they receive notification of deployment to make related arrangements.
This course may contain copyright protected materials such as audio or video clips, images, text materials, etc. These items are being used with regard to the Fair Use doctrine in order to enhance the learning environment. Please do not copy, duplicate, download or distribute these items. The use of these materials is strictly reserved for this online classroom environment and your use only. All copyright materials are credited to the copyright holder.
Third-Party Software and FERPA
During this course you might have the opportunity to use public online services and/or software applications sometimes called third-party software such as a blog or wiki. While some of these could be required assignments, you need not make any personally identifying information on a public site. Do not post or provide any private information about yourself or your classmates. Where appropriate you may use a pseudonym or nickname. Some written assignments posted publicly may require personal reflection/comments, but the assignments will not require you to disclose any personally identity-sensitive information. If you have any concerns about this, please contact your instructor.