Overview Chap 6 Safe Dosage Calculations
Chapter 6
- Identify the three steps for calculation of the dosage ordered when it differs from the dose on hand
- Convert from one system of measurement to another using the ratio and proportion method
- Solve dosage problems using the basic calculation method
- Calculate safe dosages for infants and children
- List the variables when assessing geriatric patients for safe dosage
- List five steps to reduce medication errors
Yes, I realize it may have been awhile since you have had to do this type of math.
Ratios, proportions, and percentages are not something you necessarily use in everyday life, but in pharmacology and in the healthcare setting this type of math is used routinely. So, this would be a good time to review just how to solve these types of math problems. As you will see in this chapter, there is more than one method that can be used to get the solution to these types of math problems. It really doesn’t matter which method you prefer to use, as long as you are consistently accurate in your answers and feel comfortable using your chosen method to solve the problems. This module includes lots of math games for you to practice the different methods of solving dosage problems.
Read Chapter 6 Safe Dosage Calculations