Enrollment Appointments
Your enrollment appointment is the day and time that your registration window opens. Students are assigned enrollment appointments usually in October (for Spring registration) and in March (for Summer and Fall registration).
- You can check the UCF academic calendar to determine when enrollment appointments will become visible on your My UCF Student Center. Once registration appointments are visible, you can add classes to your shopping cart.
- As our program grows, you may notice some of our classes begin to fill up as each new semester approaches. Please register at your first chance, your assigned enrollment appointment day/time, to ensure the best chance of getting into the classes you are planning to take.
- If you get prerequisite errors for any of your HIM or HSA classes, please email Virginia.Fleming@ucf.edu as soon as possible.
Here's how to access your enrollment appointment:
- From your myUCF Student Center, you will see the box labeled "Enrollment Dates,"
- Click "details" and the "Change Term" button to select the term you wish to view your enrollment appointment for. If you do not change the term it will default to the current semester.
Note the Term Enrollment Limits on the bottom, as it will show the maximum amount of credits you can register for in that given term.
In March, everyone will have the ability to register for both Summer and Fall terms. Some students may also see Spring for the following year. If you have the option to register that far ahead, please do so.
For most, Spring enrollment appointments are visible in October.