IST Advanced Topics Primer

M&S Boot Camps


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Each module contains required video lectures and readings.

Welcome to the Modeling & Simulation Foundation Courses. These targeted "bootcamps" help augment learning outside of the classroom.  The UCF Modeling & Simulation Graduate Program has a long history of academic excellence in the field of modeling, simulation, and training. However, Modeling & Simulation is ill-defined and transcends disciplines. After talking with past and current students, we see a need for additional resources to help students achieve their goals and understand challenges in different disciplines. We want to expand learning outside the classroom; to help push the boundary of possibilities; to help all of us realize each individual brings unique value and skills forward. And also, to provide a space to ask questions. This is not a perfect solution, but it is designed as a first step forward.

  • Phase 1 - Fall 2017+ 2018 (Complete)
    The course is divided into different modules: Programming and Mathematics are the first two modules we are targetting for Fall 2017. We started with these due to the feedback of where we initially can make the most difference. We also ran "in-person" problem-solving sessions in December 2017 (A module exists of that material). These sessions will parallel the material in the modules and allow students to practice and ask questions. Faculty and students will be on hand to provide individual attention. We will be hosting Open Office Hours by 3 faculty members (Kider, Wiegand and Kaup) in the Spring for further in person practice.

  • Phase 2 - Spring (2019) - underway
    We have just started the initial stages of composing three new modules:  (1) Questionnaire Design, (2) Writing IRB Proposals, and (3) Design Simulations in AnyLogic. Our hope is to compose material for these topics in the Spring and look to run a few in-person sessions on the topics to help students.

  • Long-Term Goals
    Our long-term hope is to draw on our community's expertise to build additional modules for Cyber Security, Questionnaire Design, "Everything" IRB, Physics, Virtual Reality, Unreal/Unity, Anylogic ...and other tools we need to transcend disciplinary boundaries in M&S. 

If you have any questions or want to provide feedback (or even write a module) contact Dr. Kider or Dr. Wiegand

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