
Webcourse Training from UCF Center for Distributed Learning


The information below is from the UCF CDL website and can be found at:


About Essentials of Webcourses@UCFenroll-300x96

Essentials of Webcourses@UCF is self-paced, just-in-time online training for anyone who wishes to learn the tools and functionality of the university’s learning management system (LMS), Instructure Canvas. This comprehensive professional development workshop consists of a series of interactive tutorials on how to use Webcourses@UCF.

The time commitment for completing Essentials is estimated to be between 2-4 hours. The workshop is self-paced, online, and not facilitated.

Essentials of Webcourses@UCF has two main objectives:

  1. You will gain an introduction to the distinctive characteristics of online teaching and learning at UCF.
  2. You will perform basic and/or advanced tasks within Webcourses@UCF to gain familiarity with UCF’s LMS.

Essentials of Webcourses@UCF Tracks

Essentials is divided into two tracks. Each track has its own set of evaluation criteria which will be explained in the syllabus.

Essentials – Basic: This track contains interactive tutorials designed to teach faculty some of the basic features and tools in Webcourses@UCF. This track is ideal for faculty teaching a face-to-face (P) course.

Essentials – Extreme: This track contains the same interactive tutorials as Essentials – Basic, with additional tutorials covering some of the more advanced features of Webcourses@UCF. This track is ideal for faculty teaching a fully-online course (W) or Mixed-mode (M) course.

Still want to learn more about each track? Use this Site Map to understand how the content in Essentials is presented as well as a list of tutorials found in each track.

Why should I take Essentials of Webcourses@UCF?

Essentials is intended for faculty and staff who want to expand their teaching experiences beyond the classroom or just to refresh their online LMS skills. There is no requirement to complete either track in Essentials, allowing participants to gain what is needed. However, there may be departmental expectations and/or personal incentives to finish.

Those who successfully complete all of the assessments in Essentials will receive a formal notice of completion as well as one of two Credly-issued digital badges Links to an external site. depending on which track is completed.

Who can take Essentials of Webcourses@UCF?

Regardless of any previous training (ADL5000, IDL6543, IDV Essentials/TLC) any UCF faculty, staff, or teaching assistant can enroll into Essentials.

How to Enroll Into Essentials of Webcourses@UCF

To access Essentials, complete the Essentials Enrollment Request form Links to an external site.. You will then be emailed directions for how to enroll into the workshop.